Here's How To Generate HUNDREDS of Highly Qualified INBOUND Leads Every Month WITHOUT Giving Away Free Stuff, Cold DM’ing Strangers or Using The Same Old Recycled Marketing Strategies

This Training Will Show You How To:

  • ​Generate hundreds of high-quality leads who buy REPEATEDLY
  • ​Sign 5+ new high-ticket clients each month
  • ​Get your prospects to sell THEMSELVES to YOU
  • ​Fill the gaps in your calendar and get CONSISTENT applications (from people who will show up on time and ready to BUY)
  • ​Deliver value & build trust so your coaching offer is a no-brainer
  • ​Establish your authority & credibility
  • ​Use paid traffic to fill your funnel & scale on your own terms
  • ​Use automated systems to attract, nurture, and convert prospects into QUALIFIED applications on autopilot
  • ​Effortlessly convert enrollment calls without ever having to "sell" your coaching
If you’re like most business owners, you struggle to generate qualified leads because you don’t have a reliable and repeatable system.  
And as a result of not figuring this out…

People aren’t joining your list…

They don’t know who you are…

They aren’t buying from you…

And your sales and revenue are inconsistent.  

But this system has the power to dramatically change the course of your business.

Qualified leads are the gasoline that make every business run.

Without them, it's difficult to build momentum, and even if you do, things will eventually break down.

When you have them, you can forecast sales, hiring, inventory and, of course, growth.

This system is about generating the highest quality leads (people who are actually buyers) at little to no cost.

It uses low-ticket transactions to separate the tire kickers and time wasters from the portion of your market who are ready, willing and able to take action right now...

And then it applies the revenue generated from that transaction to your advertising and marketing costs to effectively eliminate most, or all, of the expense...
Leaving you with a new "customer", not just a lead, at little to no cost.

Let's say you're selling a mini-course for $10...

And it costs you $10 in advertising to find a buyer for your $10 course.

When that transaction occurs, you acquire a customer, the most highly qualified lead there is, for free.

You paid $10 to Facebook for an ad, and the buyer paid you $10 for your course.

Make sense? It gets better…

If that person is buying your course, aren't they also a likely candidate for your 1-1 or group coaching for $5,000?

The purchase of the initial offer pre-qualified them as an actual buyer (they just pulled out a credit card and paid you) AND as someone struggling with the larger problem you can solve.

This holds true whether you’re a dentist, lawyer, business coach, consultant, weight loss expert, doctor or any other professional who helps people get results they can’t usually get on their own.

We call this a Self-Liquidating Offer (or SLO) and it's one of the most powerful tools you can deploy to scale your business.

If your marketing doesn't cost you anything, you can afford to do A LOT of it.

And when you do a lot of it, you bring in a lot of highly qualified leads CONSISTENTLY and predictably.

If you were bringing in 500-1000 highly-qualified leads (a.k.a. customers) every month, how many do you think would convert into your higher ticket offers?

In the systems we build, it's usually between 5% - 10%.

Are you beginning to see how this system has generated over $40,000,000 in sales for us and our clients in the past 6 years?

Is this just another marketing book preaching recycled theories that don't work anymore?

Is this just another marketing book preaching recycled theories that don't work anymore?

Unlike the archaic strategy still being pushed by countless "experts" of giving away free content in exchange for an email address so you can send a million emails nobody ever reads...

This strategy is working right now in dozens of funnels we manage.

We sell 50 courses per day for Louise...
We sell 40 products per day for Gordon...
We sell 80 books per day for Beth...
And then we turn those customers into millions of dollars in revenue for clients like Sharon...
And Mia...
And Tiffani...
And Dozens Of Others...

Here's Everything Included:

7 Bonuses Included Today

  • BONUS #1: 7-Day Jump Start Video Series ($297 value) FREE
  • ​BONUS #2: Million Dollar Ad Playbook ($197 value) FREE
  • BONUS #3: Full Funnel Profitability Matrix ($97 value) FREE
  • BONUS #4: Launch Checklist ($37 value) FREE
  • BONUS #5: Lead Acquisition Net Cost Calculator ($37 value) FREE
  • BONUS 6: My Bestselling Book, “Get Paid To Get Paid” ($17 value) FREE
  • BONUS #7: Reporting Overview ($47 value) FREE
We sell 40 products per day for Gordon...
We sell 80 books per day for Beth...
And then we turn those customers into millions of dollars in revenue for clients like Sharon...
And Mia...
And Tiffani...
And Dozens Of Others...

This Training Will Show You How To:

  • ​Generate hundreds of high-quality leads who buy REPEATEDLY
  • ​Sign 5+ new high-ticket clients each month
  • ​Get your prospects to sell THEMSELVES to YOU
  • ​Fill the gaps in your calendar and get CONSISTENT applications (from people who will show up on time and ready to BUY)
  • ​Deliver value & build trust so your coaching offer is a no-brainer
  • ​Establish your authority & credibility
  • ​Use paid traffic to fill your funnel & scale on your own terms
  • ​Use automated systems to attract, nurture, and convert prospects into QUALIFIED applications on autopilot
  • ​Effortlessly convert enrollment calls without ever having to "sell" your coaching

What Am I Getting For Less Than $5?

  • ​How to turn the 5% of your audience who are ready to buy right now into over $2,000,000/year in sales. (Page 14)
  • ​The ONLY two things your offer should focus on AND the ONE THING it shouldn’t or this approach can devastate your business. (Page 30)
  • ​​EXACTLY what your offers should be AND what they should do for your customers so they flock to your high-ticket offers. (Page 27)
  • ​How to create short term cash flow in any business to fund more effective marketing. (Page 10)
  • ​The pricing strategy that will make or break any SLO system. (Page 31)
  • ​​What a REAL million dollar funnel looks like…not just one that will get you a cool plaque. (Page 12)
  • ​​What over 92% of marketers get wrong about “Bonuses” and how they can be the secret weapon to converting any offer. (Page 32)
  • ​​The most common mistake over 90% of marketers make on their sales page and what to do differently to drive maximum conversions. (Page 22)
  • ​​How to make 100% certain your entire list are the right kind of leads for your business. (Page 17)
  • ​​​How to make 100% certain your entire list are the right kind of leads for your business. (Page 17)
  • ​​The truth about Organic Marketing and why it CANNOT produce the results you want. (Page 21)
  • ​​The truth about Organic Marketing and why it CANNOT produce the results you want. (Page 21)
  • ​​​​The three phases of an effective Client Acquisition System…skip any and you’ll never sign clients consistently. (Page 23)
  • ​​​How to multiply your average order value by over 5X so you can effectively liquidate your advertising costs. (Page 22)
  • ​​​How to multiply your average order value by over 5X so you can effectively liquidate your advertising costs. (Page 22)
  • ​​​My 1-2 punch downsell strategy that can add an easy 10%-20% to any lead gen system. (Page 29)

Plus 7 Free Bonuses To Help You Implement And Sale Right Away:

BONUS #1: 7-Day Jump Start Video Series ($297 value)

In this 7-part video series, I’ll walk you through how to create and launch a 7-figure funnel for your coaching business. This is the exact same process we go through with clients to transform their skills as a coach into a viable, scalable BUSINESS that creates the kind of freedom most coaches only dream about.



BONUS #2: Million Dollar Ad Playbook ($197 value)

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the exact ads we’ve used to sell over 1,000,000 books for coaches. I break down the image selection and why it’s so effective, the headline hooks that smashed all the variations, and why and how we consistently write ad copy that converts like crazy. (This alone is worth 10x the investment you’re making today.)


BONUS #3: Full Funnel Profitability Matrix ($97 value)

Assess and maximize the profitability in your business BEFORE you ever launch. I’m giving you all the key metrics to measure, and the target KPI’s you should be hitting based on more than $10,000,000 in ad spend, millions of conversions and thousands of high ticket coaching clients acquired. Plug in your actual numbers and see what’s working, what isn’t, and what to fix to squeeze every penny of profit from your funnel.



BONUS #4: Launch Checklist ($37 value)

Ready for launch? This comprehensive checklist puts every critical action item in one place, from integrations to building your campaign to testing, so you can go live with a 100% fully-functioning, optimized funnel on the first try.


BONUS #5: Lead Acquisition Net Cost Calculator ($37 value)

A proper lead generation system has at least three core offers, and how well they convert is the difference between profitably scaling and quickly running out of money. Eliminate all the guesswork with this data-driven Lead Acquisition Calculator. Simply plug in your numbers to get clear on your ideal target conversion rates so you can profitably acquire leads, diagnose underperforming offers, and optimize your funnel for maximum results.



BONUS 6: My Bestselling Book, “Get Paid To Get Paid” ($17 value)

The "secret" to successful and profitable lead generation is to sell a low-cost, high-value item, such as a book or training, as a method to offset your marketing costs (so you can do a lot more of it!). I’ll show you how to get paid to acquire leads - and then get paid AGAIN when they purchase additional trainings or coaching - in my bestselling book, Get Paid To Get Paid.


BONUS #7: Reporting Overview ($47 value)

In this complete walkthrough of how we conduct our agency-level insights, you’ll learn how to compile and process your data exactly like we do for our private clients. You’ll get maximum visibility into the inner workings of your business, understand what each data point means, and learn how to optimize if they’re below KPI.


Plus 7 Free Bonuses To Help You Implement And Sale Right Away:

BONUS #1: 7-Day Jump Start Video Series ($297 value)

In this 7-part video series, I’ll walk you through how to create and launch a 7-figure funnel for your coaching business. This is the exact same process we go through with clients to transform their skills as a coach into a viable, scalable BUSINESS that creates the kind of freedom most coaches only dream about.



BONUS #2: Million Dollar Ad Playbook ($197 value)

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the exact ads we’ve used to sell over 1,000,000 books for coaches. I break down the image selection and why it’s so effective, the headline hooks that smashed all the variations, and why and how we consistently write ad copy that converts like crazy. (This alone is worth 10x the investment you’re making today.)


BONUS #3: Full Funnel Profitability Matrix ($97 value)

Assess and maximize the profitability in your business BEFORE you ever launch. I’m giving you all the key metrics to measure, and the target KPI’s you should be hitting based on more than $10,000,000 in ad spend, millions of conversions and thousands of high ticket coaching clients acquired. Plug in your actual numbers and see what’s working, what isn’t, and what to fix to squeeze every penny of profit from your funnel.



BONUS #4: Launch Checklist ($37 value)

Ready for launch? This comprehensive checklist puts every critical action item in one place, from integrations to building your campaign to testing, so you can go live with a 100% fully-functioning, optimized funnel on the first try.


BONUS #5: Lead Acquisition Net Cost Calculator ($37 value)

A proper lead generation system has at least three core offers, and how well they convert is the difference between profitably scaling and quickly running out of money. Eliminate all the guesswork with this data-driven Lead Acquisition Calculator. Simply plug in your numbers to get clear on your ideal target conversion rates so you can profitably acquire leads, diagnose underperforming offers, and optimize your funnel for maximum results.



BONUS 6: My Bestselling Book, “Get Paid To Get Paid” ($17 value)

The "secret" to successful and profitable lead generation is to sell a low-cost, high-value item, such as a book or training, as a method to offset your marketing costs (so you can do a lot more of it!). I’ll show you how to get paid to acquire leads - and then get paid AGAIN when they purchase additional trainings or coaching - in my bestselling book, Get Paid To Get Paid.


BONUS #7: Reporting Overview ($47 value)

In this complete walkthrough of how we conduct our agency-level insights, you’ll learn how to compile and process your data exactly like we do for our private clients. You’ll get maximum visibility into the inner workings of your business, understand what each data point means, and learn how to optimize if they’re below KPI.


Who am I, and why should you care?

Facebook™ Ad Agency Owner | Client Acquisition Specialist | Investor
My name is Rick Valentine and I'm the founder of Uncommon, a client acquisition agency. The system we've designed has generated more than 2,000,000 customers and over $40 million in revenue since launching in 2017.

We've deployed this system for hundreds of business owners and, in the process, perfected the most critical components of the system...
  • Your Offers: What your audience wants and is willing to pay for RIGHT NOW
  • Continuity: What makes your audience buy more from you, especially your high-ticket offers and...
  • Authority: How to position yourself and your offers as the obvious and best solution to your audience's challenges
We are client acquisition experts. This book and bonus trainings are going to spell out exactly what to do to set up your own Self-Liquidating Offer so you can quickly and comfortably scale your business.

Think of it as a "field guide" to acquiring customers you can turn into high-ticket clients.

If this "simple" growth system was really that simple, why isn't everyone already using it?

"Simple" doesn't mean "easy"...and "easy" doesn't exist.

When I explain what this system is, and how it works, you'll immediately see its simplicity.

But while some of your competitors may have tried to implement it (it's been around since the dawn of marketing over 100 years ago)...

The "easy" thing about how to get it wrong.

How to fall into the temptation of looking for shortcuts that only take you further from your destination...

And how to repeat the same mistakes like so many others of approaching this unique system with a "traditional" marketing mindset.

How Do I Know This Will Work For Me And MY Business?

Setting aside the fact we've designed systems for hundreds of businesses in the coaching and consulting space, as well as service based businesses like doctors and dentists, and agencies like my own...

There are instances where this system won't work.

If there is nothing unique about you or your service...

If you're simply recycling things you've seen other people do and trying to make a business out of it without actually developing the skill required to produce tangible results...

If your target market is tiny...

Or if your highest priced offer is less than $500...

This system isn't for you.

However, if you offer a product or service in high-demand, to a large market...

If you possess the skill and expertise to successfully deliver the promised outcome consistently to your clients...

And if your higher priced offers are at least $500-$1,000 or more (the higher the price the better it works)...

This system was designed precisely for you.

What If This Book Is Completely Useless To Me?

If you’re skeptical of ANY advertising claims at this point…
I understand.
And I’m not asking you to let your guard down.
That would be unfair given how many half-truths there are on the internet to wade through.
Instead, here’s my offer:
Buy my book for $4.90.
If you dislike it for ANY reason…
Just let me know and I’ll refund you the $4.90.
You don’t even have to send anything back. Just ask for a refund, and it’s yours.

Who am I, and why should you care?

Ad Agency Owner | Client Acquisition Specialist | Investor
My name is Rick Valentine and I'm the founder of Uncommon, a client acquisition agency. The system I've designed has generated more than 2,000,000 customers and over $40 million in revenue since launching in 2016.

I've led hundreds of business owners through the process of designing their own self-liquidating offers and, in the process, perfected the most critical components of the system...
  • Your Offers: What your audience wants and is willing to pay for RIGHT NOW
  • Continuity: What makes your audience buy more from you, especially your high-ticket offers and...
  • Authority: How to position yourself and your offers as the obvious and best solution to your audience's challenges
I am a client acquisition expert. My book is going to spell out exactly what to do to set up your own Self-Liquidating Offer so you can quickly and comfortably scale your business fast.

Think of it as a "field guide" to acquiring customers you can turn into high-ticket clients in less than 30 days.

Do I need to buy this book right now, or can I wait??

You're buying a book that gets delivered digitally as a PDF. 

So I'm not going to insult your intelligence by telling you, "There's only 100 left!!"

If you've read this far and you're still not comfortable investing less than $5 in yourself and your business, this book probably won't help you.

But the truth is, if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.

The choice is yours. 

Click the button below to get your copy of Start SLO, Scale Fast.

To your success,
Copyright 2023  Rick Valentine, LLC - All Rights Reserved